
Counseling Services

Cura Personalis “关心整个人”是依纳爵耶稣会的一个特点,辅导员用它作为一种工具来帮助和指导圣. Joseph's Prep. 预科学校的辅导员是所有学生的资源,在康纳利咨询和资源中心有可访问的办公室.
如果你的儿子在学业上、情感上或社交上有困难,请联系他的辅导员. Here are some services provided by St. Joseph's Prep Counselors: 

  • Advises and counsels students regarding their academic progress, short-term social, and emotional problems.
  • 保持普遍访问,并努力了解他们所负责的每一个学生.
  • 为学生提供个人规划和响应服务,以支持学生及其家庭的学业事宜.
  • 教授指导或相关课程,并通过有计划的小组活动或课堂设置为学生提供指导咨询,以传达教育, social, and important school information and offers workshops/seminars for parents.
  • Consults, facilitates, and maintains communication with parents, teachers, administrators, 代理学生和家长的学术和教育事务,包括学术修改和/或住宿.
  • 针对个别学生的学习需要和能力,建议适当的行动和解决方案.
  • Coordinates with behavioral health specialists.
  • 参与学生服务团队,确定可能需要针对性或强化服务的学生.
  • Assist students/parents/guardians in understanding school policies and procedures.
  • Support and attend appropriate student activities and events.
  • Consistent communication with faculty, staff, 当个别学生需要在学术领域的额外支持时,家长/监护人, social and assistance for their general welling being.
  • Individual meeting with faculty, 当学生有学业或心理健康问题的危险时,工作人员和家长.
  • 协调Catapult学习服务的执行功能(学习技能,时间管理等).)以及为有社会和心理健康问题的学生提供支持的持续会议.
  • 协调预科优势和大学咨询(大四)的学术支持和同伴辅导,为学生在学业上需要支持的努力.
  • 协调与外部卫生组织的会议(咨询期),以解决学生面临的文化挑战,并根据需要与家长和教练进行Zoom会议. 

List of 6 items.

  • Counselor Assignments

    Students are assigned to counselors alphabetically by last name per counselor:
  • Individual Meetings

    Counselors are available to meet with students on an individual basis. 会议的目的是收集有关学生学业进展的信息, extracurricular activities, social interests and family life, and to provide support to that student. Individual appointments can be scheduled by the student or counselor. mg冰球突破试玩网站强烈鼓励学生与他们的辅导员见面,讨论他们可能遇到的任何担忧或问题,欢迎他们顺便来谈谈. 父母也被邀请联系他们儿子的辅导员,提出他们可能有的任何问题或担忧.
  • Programming

    预备学校努力为工作人员配备合格的教育和心理健康专业人员. 预备辅导员是经验丰富的从业人员,他们与mg冰球突破试玩网站的学生单独工作, prioritize their emotional well-being, and make referrals for additional support services when appropriate.

    Dr. John Berna, Ph.D. 

    Dr. Stewart Barbera, Psy D., MSW 

    Dr. William Gillsepie, Psy D., MS 

    Bro. Robert Carson, SJ, 
    Certified Counselor

    While the Prep Counselors focus on academic performance, they also address the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of our students. 辅导员必须定期检查他们的实践,并积极参与专业发展, training, and certification in order to better serve the needs of our students.

    In addition to individual counseling, counselors also work with students in groups. 预备课程使用外部的专业演讲者来帮助学生探讨诸如:抑郁, anxiety, suicide, sexual assault, drug and alcohol abuse.

    Generally, 报告之后是学生和辅导员之间的反思. 这些会议在教室或其他场所举行,为预科学生提供了表达他们担忧的自由, opinions and thoughts.
  • Guidance Presentation

    在咨询或社区活动期间,辅导员会定期与学生见面. Within the context of the principles of Jesuit education, these meetings will provide an opportunity for students to learn about a variety of topics such as: making a successful transition to the Prep; organizational and study skills; making healthy choices, dealing with pressure, getting involved in extracurricular activities; making new friends; an introduction to the ACT, PSAT, and SAT tests; and College Admissions Counseling. 

    Students may also meet with their counselor in a small group setting. 这些会议将为学生提供机会,使他们更加熟悉预科学校的咨询项目,并讨论各种主题,如适应预科学校, getting involved, common concerns, study strategies, etc.
  • Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention Program

    预科的药物和酒精意识和预防项目是咨询部门和院长办公室的共同努力. 目标是正确教育学生,使他们意识到药物使用和滥用背后的现实. A testing component is involved as well. This policy exists to detract students from using, 找出那些有需要的学生,并为那些不想使用但容易受到同伴压力的学生提供一个有效的借口.

    咨询部门可以和你讨论有关毒品和酒精的问题. They are aware of the pressures present in the lives of adolescents. 他们接受过个人培训,可以帮助mg冰球突破试玩网站的学生,无论他们关心的程度如何,他们都有资源可以帮助mg冰球突破试玩网站的学生. With the assistance of Catapult Learning Services, St. Joseph's Prep is committed to mind, body and spirit wellness for our community. 课程的创建是为了帮助学生在焦虑领域走向心理健康, depression as well as socialization and executive functioning. 

    Our dedication to education is fulfilled through individual conversation, classroom guidance, 小组工作和年度演讲致力于帮助mg冰球突破试玩网站的学生掌握正确决策的重要信息.
  • Additional Services

    额外的支持由两名全职Catapult学习服务专业人员提供. 这些服务是通过咨询师的推荐获得的,需要父母的同意. Students will be referred by their Counselor on a case by case basis. 

    Services include:
    • Learning Assessments
    • Psychoeducational Evaluations
    • Speech and Language Assessments and Therapy
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